tisdag 10 februari 2015

Todays sunrise

10 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vilken vacker himmel! Very lovely.

Magnus sa...

Tack Lady Fi!

Gosia sa...

great shot of the sunset.

chai-and-chardonnay.blogspot.com sa...

We had no sun for the last 10 days, so today we are all in abetter mood with the sun shining.

Magnus sa...

Thx Gosia.
Karen: No sun for ten days!? then i understand that u are at a better mood, weather influences a lot human moods.

Rajlakshmi sa...

beautiful view.

Wollongong Harbour

stardust sa...

What a glorious sky of the sunrise!

eileeninmd sa...

A gorgeous start to your day. Lovely sunrise capture.. Have a happy week!

Mari sa...

What beautiful view to start a day. Inspiring.

Linda W. sa...

Gorgeous sunrise! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. :)