tisdag 16 september 2014

Give me..please!

23 kommentarer:

Mascha sa...

Lovely photo!

NCSue sa...

This is a great shot! Looking at it, I want to know the story behind the image. Thank you for sharing at http://www.image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/09/elodie-farms.html. I hope you'll continue to share your photos each week.

Birgitta sa...

Härligt foto! Gillar!

stevebethere sa...

What a nice poignant shot ;-)

fredamans sa...

Beautiful monochrome shot!

Christina Morley sa...

Great photo! My favorite scene is with the dog.

Anonym sa...

Awww what a sweet and tender moment! #ww

Ingrid sa...

Looks very familiar to me !

Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless WW (Linky) sa...

Great black and white photos, love the dog!

Anonym sa...

Lovely shot!! It seems as if was taken out of an old movie.

Unknown sa...

Lovely capture... :)

Unknown sa...

Vacker bild! Hundar är bra på att tigga.

Ritva sa...

This has that old time summer feel to, I really like this one. I looked through your other shots, love the action and life in them. The rain shot a fav.

molly sa...

Haha... so typically dog...


HansHB sa...

En flott b&w komposisjon!
Hunden ser søt ut!

HansHB sa...

Mitt bidrag: http://hanshb.wordpress.com/

carol l mckenna sa...

Neat photo! Love the dog and caption ~ happy week to you!

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Leovi sa...

Very nice light and exquisite tones in B & W, very good picture!

Pat sa...

Cute capture.

Katarina sa...

Vilken härlig bild! Hundens fokus på matte och husse är total - medan de fokuserar på den marina miljön. Snyggt fångat!

Dragonstar sa...

Lovely! All food is meant to be shared with a dog ;)

Prairie Jill sa...

What a great shot! It made me smile!

Monica S Engell sa...

Herlig bilde... ikke vanskelig å tyde det kroppspråket,- håper det ble en lien smak, da:)